Malkers Staice ( Batman4014's Batworld Original Series )


Malkers Staice


Malkers Staice is the leader of the Raptors.
He started vigilante activities for a big change in the world.

BackGround Story

Malkers Staice was a Cybersecurity Expert. One day, when his lover, Norvella Averglen, was being beaten by criminals, the WRT stood by and did nothing, ultimately leading to her death. After this incident, Malkers lost faith in the police and developed a deep hatred filled with vengeance against criminals. This drove him to take the path of a vigilante.

He later founded a vigilante group called Raptors and continues to operate as a vigilante to this day.


Walrium joins the Raptors and becomes an important member as a hacker. Later, he participates in an attack on the Spade Gang's hideout alongside the group. However, Walrium begins to feel conflicted about killing people, and in the end, he decides to leave the Raptors.

First Revenge
Malkers collaborates with Jennifer’s Diamond Group, who help him locate RedDot’s hideout.

The Raptors and the Diamond Group join forces to launch an attack on Baba Yaga Company.

In the epilogue, Malkers gains superpower.

Diamond Taker
In Brianna’s flashback, Malkers is seen walking past her.

First Date

He is shown observing Walrium from a distance.

4014(Team > Previous Team)
Raul (Enemy)
Lian (Enemy)

Episode appears
First Revenge
Diamond Taker
First Date

(old model)

More and Trivia
  • Many people misunderstand him as a woman, but he is a man.
  • The big war he said was a battle with Babayaga to know the dark side of the superhuman company


  1. I always thought it was her not him 😅

  2. Two Questions:
    - Who are the Raptors?
    - Does Malkers have superpowers now?

    1. Raptors is a group name, he also gets super power later on.

  3. Replies
    1. True, now we cant mistake him as a girl 😂

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Walrium: okay, our actual first date went like this. We went clothes shopping, had some fancy steak for lunch, went bowling, took some pics at the duck pond, and went to the arcade and played VR laser tag.

    Brianna: I have no memory of this.

    Walrium: That's because you got blasted drunk at the end of the night and deliberately got us into a bar fight.

    Brianna: Cool, did we have sex after that.

    Walrium: No we didn't have sex, I never have sex with drunk girls that never leads to anything good.

    Brianna: oh,well at least the rest of the date was good.

    Walrium: Yeah, but their was an ominous epilogue to it. After you went home, I saw my old partner Malkers Stace giving me the stink eye from across the street, with glowing eyes and electricity flowing off him. He looked like he could do murder.

    Brianna: That angry little sneak weasel has been stalking me for months.

    Walrium: Yeah, he blames you for breaking up the Raptors.

    Brianna: than why don't we just put him away like any other criminal.

    Walrium: because he's got dirt on me that's why, if he's ever arrested he'll got public with my part in the Spade gang massacre, and your father will finally get to fulfill his dream of shanking me in prison.

    Jennifer: It's the same with me, if he goes down than I go up the creek for killing my mother, which he tricked me into doing by the way. I'd never have done it if I'd known about Alice.

    BungBung: he's got nothing on me maybe I could take him down.

    Walrium: Maybe, but don't forget I have dirt on him too. I've already made arrangements so that if I'm ever killed or arrested his part in the massacre goes public. Mutually assured destruction you know.

    Jennifer: if all he does is stalk Brianna I suppose he's a bearable evil

    Brianna: Speak for yourself.

    Jennifer: but if he ever does become a real problem will have to be very clever about dealing with him. We all have are regrets but we're more useful out of prison than in it.

    Walrium: Well we'll cross that bridge when we get to it for now I'm going to get ice cream, anyone want to come with?

    1. It's a good fanfiction talk!, but you'd better refrain from talking about it sexually! 😅

    2. Well that's embarrassing. I already wrote several of these things with similar jokes, I'll leave them out in the future if their is a future.

    3. And Thank You, that's very Flattering

  6. ,,Why does Norvella look so much like Valkyrie?


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