country ( Batman4014's Batworld Original Series )


There are three representative countries of Batworld. Wieglington is an American motif, the bokgyeong is an Asian-style country, and Taured is an authoritarian country.

The list below lists the characters' country of origin.


4014  /  Emily George

Batpunkgirl   /   Babayaga   /   Boogieman

Alice Roa  /  Bliss  /  Raul / Lian / Brianna

Arkin / Baby Star / Brendan (Archelon)

Malkers Staice  /  Hart hutch / Destroyer Kevin

Tango Down  /  Juliana Rice / Shadow

Lacquer / Triumph / Vivian / plague doctor

Lucas Vanco / Carissa / Andy / D Irene / D sandra

D. Ioan / Revenant / Amy / Mullie / Crowee


Maoko  /  Misako  /  Agent Z

Matthew Elliott  /  Master Ayzer

Jin na eun / Master Yesul / Henry George


BungBung  /  General Felix  /  Daniel

J.Scott Leiss  /  phantom / Bloody Mary

Cella Flanagan / 


  1. Ammm I think this country will die in the future Batworld Or you get a big war Because I love action, especially in Minecraft, including a channel Batman4014⚡❤️

  2. I'm more curious about Bungbung backstory now

  3. I'm curious for what happened to Towred, as the majority of Black Skull members are from there

    1. My theory is that at some point in the past it was destroyed

  4. Despite the fact that the majority of the members seem to be from Wieglington, I have to ask
    Where does L.Q.S originate?

  5. Other than Wieglington, Bokgyeong & Taured what other nations are included? If possible maybe some portal link between real life Earth in the future?


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