General Felix ( Batman4014's Batworld Original Series )

 General Felix

 Black skull

Felix is a disciple of Ayzer and Na-eun and a swordsman who follows the orders of Black Skull, he is from Towred, and was once a colleague with Daniel.


Felix was once a homeless orphan, and Daniel found Felix fighting in the mud and let him stay in his military unit, but one day Daniel attempted to desert from Towred and fired at Felix, who was blocking his desertion, which left Felix critically injured,
 but Felix was transported to the hospital and survived.

 Felix had to lie down for years to recover, and when he woke up, he had lost half of his memory due to the side effects of the surgery.

So he escapes Towred, and in the process, he flees in a fighter jet, crashes into a beach and meets a blue-haired woman.

Master Ayzer (Teacher/Friend > Lover > Enemy)
na eun - jin (Second Teacher)
John Wesley Daniel (Team > Enemy)
Phantom (Team)
Bloody Mary (Team)
Revenant (Team)

Episode appears

Ready For Anything
Super Vampire Season 1
Super Vampire Season 2

More and Trivia

  • Towred is Felix's home and fictional city.


  1. I always thought he was the leader of Black Skull πŸ˜…

  2. One of the best characters 😊

  3. I like him the most! I thought his background story should be miserable, but I didn't expect him to be an orphan, so I feel sorry for him.

    1. Felix will be the strongest character among Batworld characters because he has lived the hardest life since childhood. 😎

    2. Oh~ That's cool, I've seen other YouTube videos about Genaral Felix but I don't understand the background of those stories, but he's so handsome and I like it! I hope the author can tell more about his background thank youπŸ™‡

  4. I always tough he was an cyborg due to his neck it fist semeed like skull colar

  5. Can u explain me his powers and abilities
    And maybe in future he can become one of the best villans in 4014 storyline


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