Batpunkgirl ( Batman4014's Batworld Original Series )



Jennifer Roa (Real name)
SideFlowers *

The butterfly of FullHouse
She is a powerful vigilante and trained by baby star, Most of Full House's groups have turned into gangs, but she is still working for the homeless and the weak.


She was one of the victims of a superhuman experiment by a company in Babayaga as a child.

She escaped with the help of her brother, Arkin, but Babayaga tried to kill her by hiring a killer to silence them for fear that their escape would make their evil deeds known to the world. 

With Arkin's help, she lives in a full house with her new family, but eventually there's an internal split in the full house, which leads to riots in the city, and Jennifer has to flee the full house with the Arkin group.

Due to this riot, the full house group is designated as a criminal group in the LQS, and all members are wanted.

Years after the Full House riots, she has been hiding her identity to avoid Babayaga and LQS.


Cricket: Her main weapon, other ordinary weapons break without being able to withstand her power, but this bat is a weapon she has been using for a long time because it has stony durability.

Pink Star : This is the revolver shotgun that she usually uses. The original owner was Michaela, but she went missing and is now used by Jennifer.


Electric manipulation
When fully charged : Electric Tornado

She became superhuman through experiments, and had the ability to handle electricity primarily. This ability is maximized when she's angry, and it can also create electric tornadoes.

Superhuman Body

It has a stronger body than ordinary people and also has a powerful strength.


Arkin (Older brother)
Baby Star (teacher)
Alice Roa (Younger Sister)
Babayaga (Mother/Enemy)
Boogieman (father/Enemy)

4014 (Team/Friend)
BungBung (Team/Friend)
Bliss (Team/Friend)
Henry George (savior)
Bloodpunk (Enemy)
Red Dot Stolas (Arch Enemy)
Brendan (Lover)

Episode appears

New family
why do i?
First Revenge
Jennifer's First Love
Future Batworld
Crusher's First Story

More and Trivia

  • The pink butterfly in the animation symbolizes her childhood innocence.
  • She is now blackeyes because she wore lenses to hide her identity from LQS and Babayaga.
  • Her music videos will be a total of 3, with 1 more scheduled, and the last one will be Jennifer joining Malkers Staice's Raptors in an episode in which Babayaga blitzes the company.


  1. Wait how did Jennifer meet his sister

  2. Is Arkin ok? Because in Jennifer's First Love episode it only showed Jennifer already adult, so I'm curious about what happened to him

  3. Is there a reason why she doesn't use her powers all that much

  4. How batpunkgirl found red dot in the episode first revenge?

  5. So Much We Don’t Know!!
    Why did BatPunkGirl Join Rebel Phantom and BloodPubk??? What kind of argument happened that made the once grind 4014 an enemy???? And where are the episodes of BungBung!!!
    4014 I have been watching you for about 4 years now since u published that nerf battle video, I Love Ur Animations there sooo cool and I’m a fan of lore so can u list the story videos in order?


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